The Spirit-Filled Marriage
Bill Russell   -  

The Best Marriages
Are Filled With The Spirit!
KEY TEXT: Ephesians 5:22-33

Fill-in-the-blank Handouts

Ephesians 5:33MEV
However, let each one of you
love his wife as himself,
and let the wife see
that she respects her husband.

This verse is the summary statement
that Paul gives to his great
treatise on marriage.
(v 22-33)

As we continue through Ephesians,
Paul has us consider what it looks like
when we live-out our Identity in Christ
within the context of our marriages.
What does my life in Christ look like
inside of the four walls of my home,
and those interpersonal relationships?

Using theology and application,
this message unpacks some of the
mystery in and about marriage.

It is another powerful message
that helps us all understand how…

Opening and closing music by: