The Theology of a Spiritually Fruitful Life!
FRUITOLOGY! What exactly is it?
In this series of sermons,
it is a Biblical Study of the
Theology behind Spiritual Fruit!
Now while that might sound deep and
impressive it really is quite simple.
What does it mean to BEAR Fruit?
(And note that as Christians, that is
all we do, we bear spiritual fruit!
We don’t grow fruit, God produces it
in our life and we then simply BEAR it!
In this message we look specifically at
the Abundant Life, what it is and isn’t!
We do this by looking at the Parable that
Jesus tells about the sower and the seed!
The BIG IDEA says it like this:
Abundant Life is not found
in what I sow with my life
but in what God sows into my life!